

Make-up for the gala evening is easier than it may seem. You will need quite a bit to shine perfection.

Make-up for the occasion, is significantly different from everyday makeup. Its main task - to emphasize your natural beauty. Therefore, if your calendar is worth gala dinner reception or ranks, do not overdo it with makeup.

1. PERSON Make-up for the grand exit
Before doing makeup for a special evening, it is very important to prepare the face - it will reveal your natural beauty. In order to prepare the skin, please use our cleansing and nourishing products that moisturize and protect the skin. After a cold winter skin needs special care, so immediately after cleansing, apply serum - and only after the day cream.

When ready, you can apply the Giordani Gold Long Wear Mineral Foundation. The most important thing - to pick up the tone, combined with the natural tone of your skin.
To avoid errors, it is important to remember that in the case of solemn makeup area to which you will apply the tonal basis, starting at the bottom line neckline and ends at the border of hair growth.

Professional advice: Contemporary tonal basis may serve as an invisible makeup itself. Do not believe me? Conduct a simple experiment: Put one half of the face tonal basis, and the other left as it is, and come over to the mirror. Do you see the difference?

 2. The eyes and eyebrows
Neat manicured eyebrows - not just an element of evening makeup. They - a means of communication, because with their help, you can express almost any emotion without resorting to words. It is therefore important to emphasize the eyebrows, the more makeup on the occasion of the event.

Today relevant thick eyebrows, but always well-maintained - no extra hairs. If you use eye shadow eyebrows, do not forget that they must be tone on tone with your hair. have you tried Giordani Gold Eye Brow Gel

Evening make-up involves Giordani Gold Luscious Volume Mascara - it will emphasize the eyes, which is especially important in a festive atmosphere, the gala dinner.

Ink be clearly twisted movements from the roots toward the tips. First worked eyelashes in the middle of the century, and then - in the outer corner of the eye, and finally - in the inner. After the first layer dries out a bit, you can apply a second, if you want a more impressive effect.
The Board professional: Eyelashes, like facial skin in need of care. Means for the growth of eyelashes should be applied to the root zone of the morning and evening.

3. LipsMake-up for the grand exit
If for daytime makeup or business, there is a golden rule that can be allocated either eyes or lips, tomakiyazh for special occasions involves the perfect combination of these two elements.

To make the perfect lip makeup, you need Giordani Gold Iconic Lipstick and matching her tone contour pencil. Pencil needed for several purposes: it prevents the lipstick spread and spoil the outline of the lips, and also helps if your natural lip contour insufficiently clear or your natural pigment is not too bright.

Begin draws the contour in the corners of the mouth towards the center. Then a little pencil in the Shade corners. After that, apply lipstick with a brush. Do not need to put too much - modern means comprise a dense pigment, which means that one layer will be sufficient to lipstick remained only where necessary.

Professional advice: for extra durability, before make-up put on lips any liquid concealer.