
The Perfect Remedy for Severe Dryness

No matter how hard you try, properly and obsessive regularly, to apply even the most efficient creams in your hands, sometimes, it seems there is no visible progress at all! Sounds familiar? That is the case with the most people, which have their jobs being related to a variety of chemicals or which hands are, pretty often, in water. Some, of course, have naturally very dry skin of their hands (that includes me, too :-)). In order to cope with this pretty annoying problem, not only that we need an excellent and highly efficient hand cream, but also we need an amazing moisture glove (to afford our severe dry hands, a treatment, which they, more than, deserve). And all that should be affordable, but, high quality. Yea, I know-sounds too good to be true! But, with Oriflame by our side, everything is possible :-). Because, our motto is: “Your Dreams-Our Inspiration”, which we are trying, so hard, to implement in practice.

    So, we are very proud, that we have a very unique opportunity to introduce to you the two innovations, which came out of our laboratory and which are the direct result of diligent, dedicated and hard work of our best experts. One is: “Intense Hand Protection Concentrate” and the other is: “Moisturizing Gloves”. This powerful set allows you, that in the comfort of your own home, afford your hands, the royal treatment, care, on which you  may envy, even the best spa centers around the globe, and all that, at very reasonable prices (by ordering today, you can save up to, unbelieving, 50%. This is, definitely, the best price this year)! But, let me introduce to you better how this set works.

    “Intense Hand Protection Concentrate” is highly efficient, even in very small amounts, so, there is, absolutely, no need to exaggerate with the amount of cream you're gonna apply on your palms. This is so powerful and extra potent cream that it is sufficient to apply a very thin layer (a pea size is more than enough, to be precise :-)). So, there will no space in your life for dry, ugly and severe cracked hands, once you’ve discovered this intensely nourishing, skin-softening sensation! This cream presents utterly and just perfect remedy for severe dryness of your hands. It is, additionally, enriched with pretty high concentrate of Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil and Arnica extract, which can nourish even the driest of hands, leaving them truly comforted, utterly supple, very gentle and divinely soft to the touch. Here is highly important to stress out that this cream has no sticky and no oily effect and it helps even with people who have their hands quite damaged with all sorts of detergents and other harmful chemicals. I highly recommended, especially, for those people. The cream comes in a very small package, so it enables to be fairly easy to handle, as well as, to fit into any bag. So, you can use it as desired and needed.

     When I comes to our second product “Moisturizing Gloves”, I recommended that you use these overnight (in order to achieve the best possible effect) or while you relaxing. The thing is utterly simple, after applying “Intense Hand Protection Concentrate”, you should put on the gloves, that will warm your palms and that will enhance the effect of these powerful concentrate, and so, you should leave your gloves on a couple of hours. You have my personal grants that you will be very pleasantly surprised with the results, even on the very first use.

    For all our Oriflame ladies, this set is available even cheaper!!! So, if you are not already a member, maybe now is your best opportunity to join our successful team and to shop, for all our products by outlandish low prices, and to have utterly fun, and, at the same time, to earn nice: -)