
Exclusive Stockholm Style

I think that all the women have that “moment”, when the wardrobe is opened, full of the most different types and colors of clothes and we get to conclusion that we have, absolutely, nothing to wear. Although, in these moments, I strongly believe that we, actually, mean what we are saying (at least, I am deadly serious about that :-)), the vast majority of men that certain behavior tends to prescribe to our being too spoiled!
We, the girls, in that specific, moments, are, so going on the nerves on our poor men, that I, if I would, accidentally, be in their places, literally, got some serious rash all over my body!! My dear men, what you all need to bear with us, the ladies. I feel sorry for you! Indeed.
In any cases (I am going back to the “wardrobe scene” :-P), every single woman should have, in her wardrobe, at least one, famous little black dress (that dress in such a case (when we are convinced that we have, absolutely, nothing to wear) would present just a perfect solution. Not only that the little black dress presents the eternal elegance, fashion hit, but also is so thankful, when it comes to combining it with the makeup and hairstyles. It fits, almost, every makeup and every hairstyle. But, how we are familiar with its history? How the little black dress became an eternal, elegant and fashionable hit, worldwide?
The little black dress has a pretty strong and highly interesting history- that is for sure. But, very well-known fact is that it had the crucial influence on the development of the fashion world. Occasionally, the head designer and creative director of the renowned fashion house, Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld has made a statement: “One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress”, and that’s the bare truth! Karl Lagerfeld’s belief in the one and true significance of the black color, has become the leading ideal of many women around the globe. He is so eager to share his passion regarding the mighty black color, that we can see him, pretty often, being dressed in his sharply cut black suit.
I think that we all have been familiar with the fact that Gabrielle Coco Chanel in 1926, has introduced the concept of the little black dress in her fashion show. For those, who haven’t got the chance to see the movie, which is based on her autobiography (“Coco Before Chanel” from 2009.), Coco has launched her a calf-length, straight and slightly decorated style, with three diagonal lines black dress, which was later presented in the American edition of the world famous magazine, Vogue. The head-editors of the Vogue were so thrilled with that utterly simple, but highly affordable, black dress that they have claimed that this, quite simple dress, will certainly present a sort of uniform for the women of high style and taste! And, it has become the bare truth! They have, even, called that dress “Chanel’s Ford”, according to Henry Ford’s, so called, a “Model T”- a revolution copy of a car, of which is Ford to become worldwide famous and appreciated.
The little black dress served as an inspiration, for the LA STHLM brand founder, Isabel Lennse, to create a special edition of highly unique fashion jewelry, which is enriched with some outstanding Swarovski Elements. This limited edition of the highly trendy fashion jewelry, can, be, only found in the latest catalog from the Swedish cosmetic house, Oriflame. It presents just a perfect match with the eternal little black dress! You should seek no more, every accessory, which you’re gonna need for wearing this adorable dress, be it the perfect makeup or trendy bag, you can find in an Oriflame’s brochure! Regarding this ultimate collection, it contains of: “LA STHLM Gold Necklace”, which arrives in a high stylish presentation and “LA STHLM Gold Earrings”, which is gonna be a perfect match for wearing your favorite, highly elegant and eternal little black dress.