
What Happens to My Skin After I Turn Up 40 Years?

When you are a woman, in this man’s world, you are faced with more than enough various difficulties. Like this isn’t enough, if you are, just in case, the smart and pretty capable to succeed on your own, almost by instant, you are getting a lifetime men enemies. The things are becoming much worse, if you are a true beauty, in that specific case, not only that you have to deal with „indecent“ propositions of your men colleagues, but you have to look out that you don't become an eyesore of the jealousy and envy women. Everything, in this strange world can be forgiven, except the beauty and success. The more beautiful and more successful you are, the more they are gonna hate you. But, the good news here is that, it's easy to get used to it.
    But, let’s say that you survived whole this „mess“, and it made you firmer and more determinative to last, but when you think that the fight is all over, you are faced with another, much bigger issue called-aging. So strange and ugly word (I have to agree here with you :-)), but, unfortunately, it’s pretty realistic one. Let’s face it- none of us aren’t quicker we are gonna opt for the best possible strategy, in order to „wipe the floor with“ the ages :-) (ok, you are right, maybe the „wipe the floor with“ isn’t the appropriate word (phrase), maybe to try with this one „ to reduce the consequences of aging“. Sounds better? :-). So, you turned 40, so what? It isn’t the end of the world! You just ought to pay an extra attention to your skin care daily routine, that’s all. So, this is how it looks like in practice:
  •    Even if you are blessed with excellent skin genes, there’s absolutely nothing more effective than the skin care daily regimen for the ladies who turned up 40. The regime will help your skin to look younger (than it actually is), smoother, more beautiful and healthier that will last much longer;
  •   At first, you should enrich your diet with a some quality and healthy (proper and balanced) nutrition, which will present an excellent source of the most various vitamins, fibers and minerals. You should also drink an additional dose (liters) of pure water and should quit smoking and heavy drinking;   
  • Remember that the key to being a true beauty is regular practice on a daily bases (it shouldn’t be nothing strenuous and exhausting, maybe just 15 min of jogging, or so, the crucial thing here that it should be REGULARLY, on a daily bases-so, without lousy excuses my dear ladies! You know how they say-everything for the beauty :-)! );
  •    The proper skin cosmetic line is also of the vital importance (you should opt for the products that contain Retinol (Vitamin A) and Callogen (an extra dose), generally speaking.  Please, note that the moisturizing  your skin is also vital, in order to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Also, proper skin cleansing is also very important, in order to achieve youthful and better looking skin);
  •    The thing, you should also remember is that the gentle and highly delicate skin around your eyes is much thinner (than the rest of your face skin) and, thereby, you should opt for a collagen enriching, eye cream, which would be especially intended just for the eye area;
  •     Although, women over 40, don’t (ever :-P) desire to scrub mature skin, however the excellent exfoliation, would (from time to time) the excellent choice for mature skin, in order to get rid of flaky dead skin cells, that will help for the skin to replenish new skin cells and cut to very low minimum the appearance of dull, lifeless and tired skin;
  •    Your daily routine should (always) include, either a separate sunscreen product or makeup (or a moisturizer) with added sunscreen protection, in order to protect your face skin;
  •    You should wash your face, at least, twice per day (in the mornings and evenings) and apply, right after, your moisturizer cream (for day or night);
Please note that the best possible beauty solutions come straight from the nature, so, according to this, you should always opt for a homemade formula, (which would contain, for instance, Aloe Vera gel or maybe, some additional dose of orange blossom water and essential oils (like: rose geranium, carrot seed or even the frankincense) than the fabricated cosmetic product.