
Crazy Curl For Lashes!

I’m pretty sure that we, the girls, would do (almost) anything, that is in our power, in order to look more attractive to the opposite sex. We would, certainly, use a very vast majority of the beauty accessories, including here and a small cosmetic too, such as an eyelash curler. Although, until recently, I haven’t had a personal experience of curling my own lashes (except by using mascara), I did some researches and found out that this process of curling, with an Eyelash Curler, is pretty easy, so I’ve decided to try this out, and I’ve found myself more than thrilled with the obtained results :-). If the following guide has worked for me, I can’t see why it wouldn't work for you! Feel free to see for yourself…
Learning to curl your eyelashes is the simplest, the quickest and, for sure, the easiest way to make your lashes seem more beautiful and attractive, and, at the same time, fuller and thicker. Some of us, let’s call them, the ones that have been born “ under a really lucky star” :-), were born with a natural long curled eyelashes, but the rest of us, “the regular mortals”, which were born with a stubborn straight eyelashes, have to use an eyelash curler. The main advantage of a good curler is to lift, by instant, your eyelashes and makes your eyes appearing more open, wider and brighter. The supermodels (or celebrities) on the world’s largest catwalks, a very long time ago, have learned this technique, and now it’s our turn! You won’t be needing the technical assistance of the famous makeup artists (unlike the most celebrities), but, only with the assistance of this step-by-step guide, you now will have the lashes on which beauty will envy the rest of the world, so much! Here's what it is all about...
     Firstly, note the following- Buying a metal Eyelash Curlers are million times better solution, than buying the plastic one! That’s why; my warm recommendation will be to opt for a brand new product from Oriflame Company, called “The ONE Eyelash Curler”, because for affordable price, you will get the top quality product. 
     The second thing that you should know is that you need to replace the pads on your curler every 2 months, independently from its quality (that’s from the vital importance). So, we can move to the tips-how to curl your lashes…

   Make sure that your eyelashes are free from every makeup (especially from mascara), because the best possible results will be achieved on clear eyelashes. In case that you have the traces of old mascara, you should clean your eyelashes with an eye makeup remover;

   In order to get the most impeccable results, you should use your hairdryer and heat your curler very gently, on a mid level, temperature, for no more than 5 seconds. Then, you should touch the metal, in order to see for yourself if the temperature is adequate (believe me, the last thing you would like to happen, is to get burned your own eyelashes! That can be very painful, so watch out!). In case that the metal still is too hot, then you should wait, for a few seconds, to cool off.

  You should curl your lashes in three segments (in order to achieve the best possible natural curl) -at the base of a lash, middle of the lash and then the top of the lash. If that is clear enough, we can move on with the process of curling :-) - open your curler and seize your lashes near their roots and hold them so for 20-30 seconds. (Tip+ the longer you’re gonna hold them, the curlier your lashes will be!). You shouldn’t be wasting your time curling the bottom lashes! But, no matter what you do, never, BUT NEVER pull your curler up your eyelashes (that will lead to your eyelashes coming out, which is very painful, believe me, “I’ve been there and done that” :-)!

   Finally, after allowing the eyelashes a couple of seconds to dry, it’s high time to apply, though very carefully, your mascara in a bit thicker layer! Repeat the same process on another eye. Are you satisfied with achieving results? Well, you should be! And, now you are having, too, the fabulous eyelashes alike many celebrities- how exciting :-)!! This particular look adds an additional dose of glamour to any look, and can be the perfect as a finishing touch.