
How to Make Your Eyelashes Look Amazing

1. Start by curling the lashes to open up the eyes and make them look bigger. Hold for a few seconds as you “walk” the curler along the length of the eyelashes, and release slowly.

2. For the upper lash, hold the mascara brush horizontally against the base of the lash, tilting your head up slightly.

3. Apply from inner lash to outer lash with a little zigzag movement. By zigzagging the wand back and forth during application it will help to cut down clumps. Wait for a couple of minutes and repeat for a uniform finish. To make your eyes look bigger, add one last coat of mascara to the lashes at the outer corner of your eyes.

4. Follow step 2&3 for the application to lower lashes,
but apply one coat only.

• Avoid the tendency to pump the mascara wand up
and down before you remove the brush from the tube.
This action can trap air inside the tube and cause your
mascara to dry out quicker.

Never share mascara with another person even if you
are close friends. This will avoid the risk of infection.

• Apply mascara only to the upper lashes if you have
dark circles under your eyes or if you want a more
natural look

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